Category: US Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football

United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League Continental Sports Conference 1956-1960

USAFE Football Logo [Ref: 8]

USAFE Continental SC France District 1956

Toul Tigers10910
Etain Pioneers9711
Evreux Normans10640
Dreux Plainsmen 10640
Laon Rangers10640
SHAPE Indians9540
Chaumont Mudhens9351
Chambley Desert Rats10370
Chateuroux Sabres9171
Bordeaux Cardinals9180
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1956 [Ref: 1]

USAFE Continental SC France District 1957

Toul Tigers101000
Etain Pioneers9720
SHAPE Indians10730
Laon Rangers9630
Dreux Plainsmen10640
Chambley Desert Rats9540
Evreux Normans11461
Chaumont Mudhens9351
Phalsbourg Falcons9360
Chateauroux Sabres9171
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1957 [Ref: 1]

USAFE Continental SC France District 1958

Laon Rangers10910
Toul Tigers11830
Evreux Normans8431
SHAPE Indians8431
Chateauroux Sabres9351
Phalsbourg Falcons8251
Chaumont Mudhens8161
Dreux Plainsmen ##7070
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1958 [Ref: 1]

Note: # Withdrew after fifth loss, remaining two games forfeited.

USAFE Continental SC France District 1959

SHAPE Indians10910
Laon Rangers11821
Toul Tigers7421
Chateauroux Sabres7340
Evreux Normans8350
Phalsbourg Falcons8350
Dreux Plainsmen8170
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1959 [Ref: 1]

USAFE Continental SC France District 1960

SHAPE Indians121110
Laon Rangers10820
Chateauroux Sabres10460
Dreux Plainsmen9180
Toul Tigers8080
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1960 [Ref: 1]


The United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Continental Sports Conference France District title was won by Toul Tigers (1956 to 1957), Laon Rangers again (1958) and SHAPE Indians (1959 to 1960), after which the France District was merged into the Continental Sports Conference along with the teams based in Germany.

The United States Air Force in Europe Football League (USAFE – pronounced “You-Safe”) was the League for Air Force Personnel stationed at Cold War Military Bases in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy & Greece.

There were three Conferences: UK Sports Conference, Continental Sports Conference (Germany & France) and Mediterranean Sports Conference (Italy & Greece). While the MSC was a competitive Conference, the Finals were usually played between the Winners of the UKSC and the CSC.

Following the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the USAFE Football League was discontinued and the only US Military Football now played in the UK is High School Football at Lakenheath, London Central (High Wycombe), Alconbury & Menwith Hill. [1]

The United States ARmy EURope played a separate League (USAREUR). [6]

The Ramstein Rams, Alconbury Spartans, Burtonwood Bullets & Weathersfield Raiders of the UK Sports Conference except the RamsteinR Rams (Continental Sports Conference) all played matches in Ireland, including one at Croke Park in aid of the Irish Red Cross. [3-7]

Continental Sports Conference Sports Patch [Ref: 9]



[1] Crawford, Russ (2016) “Le Football: A History of American Football in France”. pg. 87-110. Published by University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln & Lincoln.

[2] Foglio, Massimo & Ford, Mark L. (2017) Touchdown in Europe – How American Football Came to the Old Continent. pg. 103-105. Published by the author.

[3] Lensmen Photographic Archive (2012) . “The 1950s Ireland in Pictures”. pg. 36. The O’Brien Press Ltd. Dublin, Ireland.


[4] Anon. (1966) . “Rams bring 45 ‘Rough Scrappers”. Belfast Telegraph. 1 September 1966. pg. 18.

[5] Anon. (1954) . “Photo caption”. Northern Whig. 18 November 1954. pg. 6.

[6] Anon. (1966) . “Rams bring 45 ‘Rough Scrappers”. Belfast Telegraph. 1 September 1966. pg. 18.


[7] Magee, Damian. “English Beer and American Football: Exporting American Football as a Cultural Commodity to the British Isles.” Irish Journal of American Studies, vol. 7, 1998, pp. 121–148. JSTOR, JSTOR,


[8] USAFE Football (2020) USAFE-Football-Coin_Hat-5 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]

[9] USAFE Football (2019) CSC Sports Patch [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]



Thanks to Todd Zboyan & Tim Leadingham.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 18 July 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1953-1955

USAFE Football Logo [Ref: 8]

USAFE France SC 1953

Laon Rangers10820
Chateauroux Sabres9621
Chaumont Mudhens6420
Fontainbleu Foresters6240
Bordeaux Cardinals6240
Orly Comets10280
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1953 [Ref: 1]

USAFE France SC 1954

Chateauxroux Sabres9630
Chaumont Mudhens10631
Bordeaux Cardinals6141
Laon Rangers7151
Orly Comets5050
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1954 [Ref: 1]

USAFE France SC 1955

Evreux Normans8710
Chambley Desert Rats7412
Laon Rangers7520
Etain Pioneers8431
CAMA Sabres (Chateauroux)9342
SHAPE Indians8341
Chaumont Mudhens9351
Bordeaux Cardinals9261
Toul Tigers9090
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League France Sports Conference 1955 [Ref: 1]


The United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) France District / Sports Conference title was won by Laon Rangers (1953), Chateauroux Sabres (1954), Evreux Normans (1955), Toul Tigers (1956 to 1957), Laon Rangers again (1958) and SHAPE Indians (1959 to 1960), after which the France District was merged into the Continental Sports Conference along with the teams based in Germany.

The United States Air Force in Europe Football League (USAFE – pronounced “You-Safe”) was the League for Air Force Personnel stationed at Cold War Military Bases in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy & Greece.

There were three Conferences: UK Sports Conference, Continental Sports Conference (Germany & France) and Mediterranean Sports Conference (Italy & Greece). While the MSC was a competitive Conference, the Finals were usually played between the Winners of the UKSC and the CSC.

Following the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the USAFE Football League was discontinued and the only US Military Football now played in the UK is High School Football at Lakenheath, London Central (High Wycombe), Alconbury & Menwith Hill. [1]

The United States ARmy EURope played a separate League (USAREUR). [6]

The Ramstein Rams, Alconbury Spartans, Burtonwood Bullets & Weathersfield Raiders of the UK Sports Conference except the RamsteinR Rams (Continental Sports Conference) all played matches in Ireland, including one at Croke Park in aid of the Irish Red Cross. [3-7]



[1] Crawford, Russ (2016) “Le Football: A History of American Football in France”. pg. 87-110. Published by University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln & Lincoln.

[2] Foglio, Massimo & Ford, Mark L. (2017) Touchdown in Europe – How American Football Came to the Old Continent. pg. 103-105. Published by the author.

[3] Lensmen Photographic Archive (2012) . “The 1950s Ireland in Pictures”. pg. 36. The O’Brien Press Ltd. Dublin, Ireland.


[4] Anon. (1966) . “Rams bring 45 ‘Rough Scrappers”. Belfast Telegraph. 1 September 1966. pg. 18.

[5] Anon. (1954) . “Photo caption”. Northern Whig. 18 November 1954. pg. 6.

[6] Anon. (1966) . “Rams bring 45 ‘Rough Scrappers”. Belfast Telegraph. 1 September 1966. pg. 18.


[7] Magee, Damian. “English Beer and American Football: Exporting American Football as a Cultural Commodity to the British Isles.” Irish Journal of American Studies, vol. 7, 1998, pp. 121–148. JSTOR, JSTOR,


[8] USAFE Football (2020) USAFE-Football-Coin_Hat-5 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]



Thanks to Todd Zboyan & Tim Leadingham.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 18 July 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League Finals 1952-1993

USAFE Logo [Ref: 8]

USAFE Finals 1952-1993

1952Furstenfeldbruck Eagles26Burtonwood Bullets7
1953Landstuhl Raiders30London Rockets21
1954London Rockets
1955London Rockets
1956London Rockets
1957Toul TigersBurtonwood Bullets
1958Ramstein RamsAlconbury Spartans
1959Weisbaden Flyers
1960SHAPE Indians
1961SHAPE IndiansAlconbury Spartans
1962Weisbaden FlyersChicksands Fighting Chicks
1963 *Bitburg Barons * /
Weathersfield Raiders *
1964Rhein-Main RocketsChicksands Fighting Chicks
1965Weisbaden Flyers54Weathersfield Raiders6
1966Weisbaden Flyers49Weathersfield Raiders0
1967Rhein-Main Rockets19Bentwaters Phantoms14
1968Bentwaters Phantoms
1969Rhein-Main RocketsBentwaters Phantoms
1970Upper Heyford Sky Kings
1971Weisbaden FlyersUpper Heyford Sky Kings
1972Rhein-Main RocketsUpper Heyford Sky Kings
1973Upper Heyford Sky Kings
1974Upper Heyford Sky Kings
1975Weisbaden FlyersBentwaters Phantoms
1976Bitburg BaronsBentwaters Phantoms
1977Bitburg BaronsChicksands Fighting Chicks
1978Bitburg Barons
1979Lakenheath EaglesBitburg Barons
1980Bitburg BaronsLakenheath Eagles
1981Upper Heyford Sky Kings Bitburg Barons
1982Upper Heyford Sky Kings
1983Ramstein RamsUpper Heyford Sky Kings
1984Ramstein RamsBentwaters Phantoms
1985Ramstein RamsUpper Heyford Sky Kings
1986Chicksands Fighting Chicks
1987Rhein-Main RocketsLakenheath Eagles
1988Rhein-Main Rockets34Lakenheath Eagles0
1989Rhein-Main Rockets37Lakenheath Eagles18
1990Lakenheath Eagles39Rhein-Main Rockets30
1991Rhein-Main Rockets27Lakenheath Eagles6
1992Rhein-Main Rockets57Lakenheath Eagles12
1993Rhein-Main RocketsLakenheath Eagles
Reference: [1-2, 6]

Note: * The 1963 Title was shared between Bitburg Barons and Weathersfield Raiders as the Final was cancelled after the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy.

USAFE Final 1952 – Wembley – Furstenfeldbrook Eagles 26 Burtonwoon Bullets 7 [Reference: 9]

Composite Standings

Rhein-Main RocketsContinental10
Weisbaden Flyers Continental6
Upper Heyford Sky KingsUnited Kingdom5
Bitburg BaronsContinental5 *
Ramstein RamsContinental4
London RocketsUnited Kingdom3
Lakenheath EaglesUnited Kingdom2
SHAPE Indians (Paris) France2
Bentwaters PhantomsUnited Kingdom1
Chicksands Fighting ChicksUnited Kingdom1
Furstenfeldbruck EaglesContinental1
Landstuhl RaidersContinental1
Toul TigersFrance1
Weathersfield RaidersUnited Kingdom1 *
United States Air Force in Europe (USAFE) Football League Finals Composite Standings 1952-1993

Note: *1963 Final shared between Weatersfield Raiders and Bitburg Barons after it was cancelled due to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.


The USAFE (United States Air Force in Europe) Football league title was won on 10 occasions by Rhein-Main Rockets (Continental Sports Conference), Weisbaden Flyers (CSC) six times, Upper Heyford Sky Kings (United Kingdom Sports Conference) five times , Bitburg Barons (CSC) five times, Ramstein Rams (CSC) four times, London Rockets (UKSC) three times, Lakenheath Eagles (UKSC) twice and SHAPE Indians (Paris, France Sports Conference) twice.

Bentwaters Phantoms (UKSC), Chicksands Fighting Chicks (UKSC), Furstenfeldbruck Eagles (CSC), Landstuhl Raiders (CSC), Toul Tigers (FSC), Weathersfield Raiders (UKSC) each won the title once.

There were four Sports Conferences: United Kingdom, Continental, France and Mediterranean, although in the end the France and Mediterranean Sports Conferences were merged with the Continental Conference.


The United States Air Force in Europe Football League (USAFE – pronounced “You-Safe”) was the League for Air Force Personnel stationed at Cold War Military Bases in Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy & Greece.

There were three Conferences: UK Sports Conference, Continental Sports Conference (German & France) and Mediterranean Sports Conference (Italy & Greece). While the MSC was a competitive Conference, the Finals were usually played between the Winners of the UKSC and the CSC.

Following the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, the USAFE Football League was discontinued and the only US Military Football now played in the UK is High School Football at Lakenheath, London Central (High Wycombe), Alconbury & Menwith Hill. [1]

The United States ARmy EURope played a separate League (USAREUR). [6]

The Ramstein Rams, Alconbury Spartans, Burtonwood Bullets & Weathersfield Raiders all played matches in Ireland, including one at Croke Park in aid of the Irish Red Cross. [12-15]

Continental Sports Conference Sports Patch [Reference: 11]


UK Sports Conference (UKSC)Continental Sports Conference (CSC)
Alconbury SpartansBerlin Bears
Bentwaters PhantomsBitburg Barons
Chicksands Fighting ChicksCamp New Amsterdam
Fairford FalconsLandsberg Tigers
Greenham Comon PiratesRhein-Main Rockets
Lakenheath EaglesSembach Tigers
Mildenhall MaraudersRamstein Rams
Upper Heyford Sky KingsSpangdalem Sheikhs/Sabers
Weathersfield RaidersWeisbaden Flyers
High Wycombe BucksHahn Hawks
Burtonwood BulletsZweibrucken
France Sports Conference / District (FSC)Mediterranean Sports Conference (MSC)
SHAPE Indians (Paris)Aviano Eagles (Ita)
Laon RangersHellenikon Olympians (Gre)
Chateauroux SabresMoron
Chaumont MudhensSan Vito
Fontainbleu ForestersTorrejon
Bordeaux Cardinals
Orly Comets
Evreux Normans
Etain Pioneers
Toul Tigers
Dreux Plainsmen
Chambley Desert Rats
Phalsbourg Falcons
References: [1-8]
Ramstein Rams in Action [Reference: 10]



[1] Britball Now (2019) US Miltary Football in the UK [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[2] USAFE Football (2019) Teams | CSC [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[3] USAFE Football (2019) Teams | UKSC [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[4] USAFE Football (2019) Teams | MSC [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[5] Enciclopedia del Football Italiano (2019) United States Army Europe Football Tournament [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]


[6] Crawford, Russ (2016) “Le Football: A History of American Football in France”. pg. 87-110. Published by University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln & Lincoln.

[7] Foglio, Massimo & Ford, Mark L. (2017) Touchdown in Europe How American Football Came to the Old Continent. pg. 103-105. Published by the author.

[8] Lensmen Photographic Archive (2012) . “The 1950s Ireland in Pictures”. pg. 36. The O’Brien Press Ltd. Dublin, Ireland.


[9] Britball Now (2019) USAFE Final 1952 (Wembley) [Internet] Available [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[10] USAFE Football (2019) Ramstein Rams [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[11] USAFE Football (2019) CSC Sports Patch [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 8 November 2019]

[12] USAFE Football (2020) USAFE-Football-Coin_Hat-5 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]


[13] Anon. (1954) . “Photo caption”. Northern Whig. 18 November 1954. pg. 6.

[14] Anon. (1966) . “Rams bring 45 ‘Rough Scrappers”. Belfast Telegraph. 1 September 1966. pg. 18.

Journal Articles

[15] Magee, Damian. “English Beer and American Football: Exporting American Football as a Cultural Commodity to the British Isles.” Irish Journal of American Studies, vol. 7, 1998, pp. 121–148. JSTOR, JSTOR,


[16] USAFE Football (2020) RM_USAFE ScannedImage-2 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]

[17] USAFE Football (2020) RM ScannedImage [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]

[18] USAFE Football (2020) RM_USAFE ScannedImage-3 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]

[19] USAFE Football (2020) Rhein-Main 1967 vs Bentwaters USAFE Championship Game [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 July 2020]


[20] Fox, Bucky (1989) “USAFE – Just Another Year” World American Football. 9 November 1989.


Thanks to Todd Zboyan & Tim Leadingham.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 8 November 2019

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2019

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.