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Indoor Football League 2000

IFL 2000

Northern Division
*Peoria Pirates1414007823831.000
*Green Bay Bombers141040673508.714
*Madison Mad Dogs14860619551.571
Minnesota Purple Rage14590545572.357
Duluth Lumberjacks142120522769.143
LaCrosse River Rats142120429719.143
Southern Division
*Steel Valley Smash14950481490.643
*Erie Invaders14680575652.429
*Dayton Skyhawks14680487570.429
Flint Flames132110455654.154
Johnstown Jackals132110460602.154
Northern Division
*Bismarck Blaze141130614481.786
*Black Hills Machine141040684609.714
*Casper Cavalry14950669581.643
Billings Thunder Bolts14860763691.571
Fargo Freeze141130436703.071
Southern Division
*Topeka Kings141040614581.714
*Lincoln Lightning141040711495.714
*Sioux City Attack14950568487.643
Sioux Falls Cobras14860566506.571
Wichita Warlords144100467683.286
Indoor Football League Standings 2000 [Reference: 1]
DateHome TeamAway Team
Playoffs Round 1
14.07.2000Madison Mad Dogs34Erie Invaders22
15.07.2000Lincoln Lightning38Sioux City Attack53
15.07.2000Black Hills Machine68Casper Cavalry34
16.07.2000Green Bay Bombers 64Dayton Skyhawks23
Playoffs Round 2
21.07.2000Peoria Pirates25Madison Mad Dogs13
22.07.2000Topeka Kings56Black Hills Machine45
22.07.2000Steel Valley Smash21Green Bay Bombers10
22.07.2000Bismarck Blaze30Sioux City Attack14
Conference Finals
28.07.2000Peoria Pirates55Steel Valley Smash10
29.07.2000Bismarck Bucks51Topeka Kings27
IFL Gold Cup
04.08.2000Peoria Pirates69Bismarck Blaze42
Indoor Football League Playoffs 2000 [Reference: 2]


Peoria Pirates (Illinois) won the only IFL Gold Cup 69-42 against the Bismarck Blaze (North Dakota).

About the IFL (2000)

The Indoor Football lEague of 2000 was one of the first to take advantage of the case won by the Indoor Professional Football League against the Arena Football League, which had been ruled that the AFL copyright on Arena Football only referred to the rebound nets either side of the goalposts, and that the rest was Football in some form or other, that had already been in play for decades and therefore not subject to copyright.

It was replaced by the National Indoor Football League in 2001, in much the same markets.

About Indoor Football

Indoor Football, also known as Arena Football was developed in 1986 as an 8v8 form of Indoor American Football. After an initial few seasons where the game was developed with a 4 team league, a full seasons League with eventually over a dozen teams was developed in the 1990 which was considered by the Wall Street Journal to be a fifth major.

The Arena Football League over-expanded in the 2000s with a Minor League, and its importance (and number of teams) waned since it first experienced financial diffulties  in 2009, and it ceased operations after the 2019 season due to the legacy debt incurred.

There is now, however, Indoor Football Leagues all over America, all of which would now be considered Minor League or Semi-Pro (AAA, AA, or even A)

Indoor Football is played on a 50-yard field with two 8-yard endzones, and teams have 5 downs (attempts) to reach the endzone or the ball is turned over. 3 of those downs must be passing plays, making Indoor Football highly explosive and high scoring.


[1] Football.com | Wayback Machine (2001) IFL Standings [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20010305172920/http://football.com/arena/ifl/iflstandings.shtml/ [Accessed 12 February 2020]

[2] Football.com | Wayback Machine (2001) IFL Scores and Schedule [Internet] Available from: http://web.archive.org/web/20010304213756/http://football.com/arena/ifl/iflscores.shtml/ [Accessed 12 February 2020]


Thanks to Alan Grey, Donie, Ian Breathnach, Mark Mahon.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 17 February 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Resereved.

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