Football Austrian (AFBOe) Austrian Bowl 1984-Present

Football Austria Logo [Ref: 2]

Austrian Bowls 1984-Present

1984ISalzburg Lions27GrazGiants10
1986IIGraz Giants31Vienna Vikings12
1987IIIGraz Giants20Salzburg Lions0
1988IVGraz Giants33Vienna Vikings15
1989VSalzburg Lions34Graz Giants0
1990VIGraz Giants59Klosterneuberg Mercenaries7
1991VIIGraz Giants38Vienna Vikings7
1992VIIIGraz Giants28Schwarzenau Rangers13
1993IXFeldkirch Dinos45Salzburg Bulls10
1994XVienna Vikings45Levi’s Graz Giants23
1995XILevi’s Graz Giants26Vienna Vikings20
1996XIIVienna Vikings41Levi’s Graz Giants35
1997XIIIGraz Giants35Klosterneuberg Mercenaries14
1998XIVGraz Giants43Vienna Vikings3
1999XVVienna Vikings37GrazGiants35
2000XVIVienna Vikings34Tyrolean Raiders28
2001XVIIVienna Vikings24Tyrolean Raiders14
2002XVIIIVienna Vikings52Graz Giants21
2003XIXVienna Vikings56Graz Giants42
2004XXTyrolean Raiders28Vienna Vikings20
2005XXIVienna Vikings43Tyrolean Raiders14
2006XXIIRaiders Tirol43Vienna Vikings19
2007XXIIIVienna Vikings42Graz Giants14
2008XXIVGraz Giants31Raiders Tirol21
2009XXVVienna Vikings22Graz Giants19
2010XXVIDanube Dragons28Raiders Tirol21
2011XXVIIRaiders Tirol23Vienna Vikings13
2012XXVIIIVienna Vikings48Raiders Tirol34
2013XXIXVienna Vikings48Raiders Tirol31
2014XXXVienna Vikings24Raiders Tirol17
2015XXXIRaiders Tirol38Vienna Vikings0
2016XXXIIRaiders Tirol51Graz Giants7
2017XXXIIIVienna Vikings45Raiders Tirol26
2018XXXIVRaiders Tirol51Vienna Vikings48
2019XXXVRaiders Tirol42Vienna Vikings34
Football Austria (AFBOe) Austrian Bowl 1984-Present [Ref: 1]

Composite Austrian Bowl Table

Vienna Vikings1411
Graz Giants / Levi’s Graz Giants1010
Raiders Tirol / Tyrolean Raiders79
Salzburg Lions21
Feldkirch Dinos10
Danube Dragons10
Salzburg Bulls01
Schwarzenau Rangers01
Klosteneuberg Mercenaries02
Football Austria (AFBOe) Austrian Bowl Composite Table 1984-Present [Ref: Compiled from: 1]


The first Austrian Bowl (American Football) was held in 1984 in Salburg, and was won 27-10 by Salzburg Lions over Graz Giants. Graz Giants went on to become one of the most successful of all Austrian American Football teams, winning 10 Austrian Bowls in 20 appearances, although the record is held by Vienna Vikings, with 14 wins from 25 appearances. Other winners have been Raiders Tirol (Innsbruck) with 7 victories in 16 appearances, and Salzburg Lions with two wins, and Feldkirch Dinos and Danube Dragons with one win each.

Raiders Tirol had an Historic perfect season in 2019, winning the AFL and ECTC titles [Ref: 3]



[1] Football Austria (2020) Oesterreichische Meister [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2020]


[2] Football Austria (2020) Logo FA [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2020]

[3] Football Austria (2020) Raiders Tirol Raiders blicken auf eine historische Saison zurĂĽck [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 18 April 2020]


Thanks to Kevin Smyth, Ian Collins, Ian Clarke, Alan McCormack, Jason Caldwell, Paul Nolan, Andrew McGovern, Colm Murray, Niall Brennan, Jim Naughton, Brian Bird, Paul Hynes.

About this document

Researched, compiled and written by Enda Mulcahy for the

Eirball | Irish North American and World Sports Archive

Last Updated: 18 April 2020

(c) Copyright Enda Mulcahy and Eirball 2020

You may quote this document in part provided that proper acknowledgement is given to the authors. All Rights Reserved.

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